Our Story

Our mission at ALANCE Yoga is to help people feel better, more focused and more balanced, and to help them achieve a better mood in their everyday life.

ALANCE Yoga is the inner voice that reminds you how strong you are, and how capable you are of doing yoga and meditation on a daily basis.

Each and every one of us knows that feeling: we are very aware of how healthy yoga can be for our souls and bodies. We know that a morning yoga routine will make our day beautiful, and an evening stretching session while watching the sunset will make us feel alive again. Every single sports study shows the positive impact of yoga and meditation over the long term.

But... we are human too, and sometimes it's even harder to do the things we love the most. Sometimes waking up an hour earlier is mission impossible, and changing into sports clothes after a long day in the office is just too much.

After more than a decade in the field of personal growth, numerous hours of research and studying, and after interviewing more than a hundred people, we realized that each internal task can be assisted by outside help.

Our equipment is designed to motivate you to practice yoga and meditation by reminding you of your inner power, what your goals are, and providing a framework and community that helps you achieve those goals.

We developed ALANCE Yoga to help people all over the US connect to their real needs, and to the things that truly make them feel good. We created a line of yoga accessories that help remind people how yoga can have such a big impact on their lives. Our goal is to inspire people to do more yoga - in order to feel better, happier, healthier and more balanced.

 ALANCE Yoga was born from the words balance and alliance, reflecting our brand's core values.

Join our revolution #my_body_my_alliance and train every day with our yoga and meditation accessories.